Lose Your Mind, Find Your SoulTM

You allowed parents, society, school, friends, work and other
outside influences mold your beliefs around what life
should be. Now it’s time to find your own truth
and chase it with reckless abandon

Your Check Engine Light On?

You’re driving down the road and you hear a telltale ding from the dashboard. A little, but bright red engine symbol flashes up up in front of you.
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Soul Inspired Adventure is a vehicle for self-discovery. There are no definitive steps to lead you in the correct direction towards truth. Like any adventure, you sit behind your own steering wheel, and you have your own foot on the gas pedal or on the brake. It’s up to you whether or not to move forward. My hope is that Soul Inspired Adventure presents thought-provoking perspectives, and maybe some unique personal insights that trigger growth inside you. Read the story behind Soul Inspired Adventure.

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